Newsletter ESU No.97Newsflash ESU No.97Newsflash ESU No.97
Another highlight of the Summer Academy was the handover of two symbolic stones for the future Peace Centre in Oswiecim (Auschwitz/Poland) to the project director, Janusz Marszalek, a Vice-President of the ESU and also President of the Polish Seniors’ Union.Into his hands, a granite stone was delivered from the construction site of the Brenner tunnel between Austria and Italy, obtained by Vice-PresidentElke Garczyk (Bavaria/Germany), as well as an approximately 800-year stone from the oldest tower of St. Stephen’s Cathedral, which was blessed by the prelates in a ceremony in the presence of 10 seniors from five countries. Newsletter ESU no.97 – ENG
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Wege zu einem „besseren Europa“ erörterten die Teilnehmer an der 5. ESU-Sommerakademie in Wien. Einen weiteren Höhepunkt der Sommerakademie bildete die Übergabe zweier symbolträchtiger Steine für das künftige Friedenszentrum in Oswiecim (Auschwitz/Polen) an den Projektleiter Janusz Marszalek, Vizepräsident der ESU und zugleich Präsident der Polnischen Senioren Union. In seine Hände gelangte ein Granitstein von der Baustelle des Brenner-Basistunnels zwischen Österreich und Italien, den Vizepräsidentin Elke Garczyk (Bayern/DE) herbeigeschafft hatte, sowie ein etwa 800jähriger Stein aus dem ältesten Turm des Wiener Stephansdom, der vom Prälaten Prof. Josef Weismayer in Anwesenheit von 10 Senioren aus fünf Ländern im Rahmen einer Feierstunde gesegnet wurde. Newsletter ESU no.97 – DE
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Another highlight of the Summer Academy was the handover of two symbolic stones for the future Peace Centre in Oswiecim (Auschwitz/Poland) to the project director, Janusz Marszalek, a Vice-President of the ESU and also President of the Polish Seniors’ Union.Into his hands, a granite stone was delivered from the construction site of the Brenner tunnel between Austria and Italy, obtained by Vice-PresidentElke Garczyk (Bavaria/Germany), as well as an approximately 800-year stone from the oldest tower of St. Stephen’s Cathedral, which was blessed by the prelates in a ceremony in the presence of 10 seniors from five countries. Newsletter ESU no.97 – ENG
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